Galapagos Flightless Cormorants 11 Unsual Facts
Galapagos Cormorant flightless is an amazing and funny bird. Watch a video of the great diving capacity and discover 11 cool facts about the unusual flightless cormorant. 11...
Learn About the Hummingbirds of Ecuador: 132+ Species
Many hummingbirds of Ecuador are distinctive because of their bright colors, unique tail feathers, and the shape of their bill. Ecuador holds the world record for the highest...
Galapagos Birds List: 100 Birds to Watch For
Are you excited about seeing birds of the Galapagos Islands? If so, you are not alone. Many come to the Galapagos in search of birds like blue-footed boobies and flightless...
15 Facts About Magnificent Frigatebirds in the Galapagos
Do you want to learn about the magnificent frigatebirds in the Galapagos? In this post, you will learn 15 amazing facts about these super cool birds found in the Galapagos...
Ecuador Phone: (593) 2-3801125 / 2-3801149 Email: Skype: latinrootstravel.ecuador Latin Roots Travel Av del Establo y Calle E, Centro Corporativo Financiero Site Center, Torre 3, Oficina 107, Quito – Ecuador
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