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Are you interested in birds of the Amazon? There are over 1,640 species of birds in Ecuador and 37% of them have been seen in the Amazon region. In this post we share an Amazon birds list.


Ecuador is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of bird species. We have more bird species per square mile than any other country in the world! This is a bucket-list destination for bird lovers.

Let’s take a look at some of the birds you can hope to see on a visit to the Amazon jungle in Ecuador. If you’re planning a trip to Ecuador you’ll want to add some of these to your Amazon birds list.

50+ Birds For Your Amazon Birds List

When you’re looking for birds in the Amazon, you’ll need to keep their habitat in mind. Some species will be found high in the emergent (top layer) and others in the canopy (the primary layer), and so on.

To make the most of your experience you’ll need to know where to look.That’s why many people choose our birds of the Amazon tour. It’s a 7 day, 6 night trip where you’ll have a chance to see approximately 250-300 species. A bird specialist guide will help you locate and identify the birds.

Now let’s take a look at our Amazon birds list:


1. Red-Capped Cardinal

2. Blackpoll Warbler

3. Yellow-Rumped Cacique

4. Giant Cowbird

5. Crested Oropendola

6. Olive Oropendola

7. Russet-Backed Oropendola

8. Flame-Crested Tanager

9. Purple Honeycreeper

10. Blue Dacnis

11. Green Honeycreeper

12. Opal-Crowned Tanager

13. Green-and-Gold Tanager

14. Paradise Tanager

15. Gray-Headed Tanager

16. Silver-Beaked Tanager

17. Fulvous Shrike- Tanager

18. Magpie Tanager

19. Palm Tanager

20. Blue-Gray Tanager

21. Blue-Gray Tanager

22. Turquoise Tanager

23. Masked Tanager

24. Pied Plover

25. Rufous-Bellied Euphonia

26. Orange-Bellied Euphonia

27. White-Lored Euphonia

28. Rusty-Belted Tapaculo

29. Striated Antthrush

30. Black-Faced Antthrush

31. Thrush-Like Antpitta

32. White-Lored Tyrannulet

33. Yellow-Crowned Tyrannulet

34. Olive Faced Flatbill

35. Yellow-Margined Flatbill

36. Yellow -Browed Tody-Flycatcher

37. Black-Tailed Tityra

38. Social Flycatcher

39. Bright-Rumped Attila

40. Tropical Kingbird

41. Grayish Mourner

42. Great Kiskadee

43. Short-Crested Flycatcher

44. Piratic Flaycatcher

45. Boat-Billed Flaycatcher

46. Eastern-Sirystes

47. Streaked Flycatcher

48. Dusky-Chested Flycatcher

49. Plain-Throated Antwren

50. Warbling Antbird

51. Black-Faced Antbird

How Many Amazon Bird Species Will You See?


There you have it, our Amazon birds list.

Are you excited to start birding in the Amazon? You may be even more excited to know that around 587 species have been seen in the Amazon region! The above Amazon bird list is made up of commonly seen birds. You have the potential to see many more.


Explore our Birding Watching Trips

Ecuador Phone: (593) 2-3801125 / 2-3801149 Email: info@latinrootstravel.com Skype: latinrootstravel.ecuador Latin Roots Travel Av del Establo y Calle E, Centro Corporativo Financiero Site Center, Torre 3, Oficina 107, Quito – Ecuador

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